Saturday, August 25, 2007

Comment for the Cure

Alison Kent - Blah Blog

Author Allison Kent is running a contest in conjunction with Phaze's new anthology Coming Together: For the Cure. Edited by Alessia Brio, the net proceeds of this anthology of erotic fiction will benefit the Susan G. Komen for the Cure Foundation.

In honor of my bestest friend and her recent battle, here’s what I’m going to do. I’m going to buy copies of this anthology and give them away as prizes here. I will buy one copy for every ten comments. So, yes, if there are 100 comments, I’ll buy 10 copies. And I’ll give them away randomly to people who drop in and help raise funds. I will limit the copies to 25 (250 comments/$175) if we go that high, so let’s do it!

Author Jessica Russell is picked up the challenge. She'll buy a copy of the anthology for every ten comments she receives, up to 100 comments. Go forth and comment!

You can also participate in one of several Breast Cancer 3 Day Walk events around the country.

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Saturday, August 04, 2007

Mavis Allen promoted

From Linda Gill, General Manager, Kimani Romance:

It is with great pleasure that I announce the promotion of Mavis Allen to Senior Editor for Kimani Romance.
Mavis began her career at Harlequin as an Editor for Silhouette Desire in 2001, and over the next few years contributed to many core series programs before becoming Associate Senior Editor of Silhouette Romance in 2003. Over the past year, Mavis effectively launched Kimani Romance -- one of the most successful series launches for Harlequin. In addition, she strategically published Friends:A Love Story by Angela Bassett and Courtney B. Vance which reached NYT and Essence bestseller lists, and garnered national publicity for
Harlequin on Oprah, Rachel Ray and other media outlets. She works with Brenda Jackson, Donna Hill, Gwynne Forster, and Adrianne Byrd, all of whom are leading authors in African-American romance, as well as many other growth and debut authors in the marketplace today.

Please join me in congratulating her.

Linda Gill


It couldn't have happened to a nicer, more deserving person--and I don't write for her! Congratulations Mavis and much continued success!
